Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
9:30 a.m.
Teleconference Only
Pursuant to State of California Executive Orders N-25-20 and N-29-20, members of the North Delta Water Agency (NDWA) Board of Directors (Board) and members of the public will participate remotely in this meeting electronically by teleconference, as described below. The Board may utilize different call-in information for any Closed Session items.
The call-in information for the Board and members of the public for this board meeting is as follows:
Web Meeting
Meeting ID: 954 2561 3569
Passcode: 446583
Call in Numbers (Audio Only)
877-853-5257 US Toll-free
888-475-4499 US Toll-free
833-548-0276 US Toll-free
833-548-0282 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 954 2561 3569
Passcode: 446583
Any member of the public on the telephone may speak during the Public Comment Period, Agenda Item #11, or may email public comments to and all comments will be read aloud during the meeting. During this period of modified Brown Act compliance, NDWA will use its best efforts to swiftly resolve requests for reasonable modifications or accommodations for individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and will resolve any doubt whatsoever in favor of accessibility.
*** Note: Action may be taken on any item listed on this agenda ***
1. Call to Order
Steve Mello, Chairman
2. Informational Briefing
Scott Shapiro, Downey Brand LLC and Eric Nagy, General Manager of Little Egbert Joint Powers Agency
A. Presentation on Little Egbert Habitat Project.
3. Approval of Minutes
Steve Mello, Chairman
A. ACTION: Approve October 7, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes.
B. ACTION: Approve October 27, 2020 Special Board Meeting Minutes.
C. ACTION: Approve November 10, 2020 Special Board Meeting Minutes.
4. Financial Reports
Cindy Tiffany, Assistant Manger
A. Review Financial Reports
Exhibit A - Exhibit B - Exhibit C - Exhibit D
B. ACTION: Consider approval of Resolution authorizing change in bank institution.
5. Engineer Report
Gary Kienlen, MBK Engineers
A. Water Quality Update
6. Legal Report
Kevin O’Brien, Downey Brand
A. Delta Water Quality Plan Update
7. Manager Report
Melinda Terry, Manager
A. Report on meetings, presentations, and correspondence
8. Delta Activities Report
Melinda Terry, Manager
A. Water Supply/Quality – Updates on Delta Conveyance Project and other activities.
B. SWRCB/Delta Watermaster – Water use reports, OpenET/SB 88 compliance, and other activities.
C. Delta Habitat Projects – EcoRestore, FRPA, Cache Slough, and other habitat projects/activities.
D. Delta Conservancy Activities.
E. Delta Protection Commission (DPC) Activities.
F. Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) Activities.
9. Announcements
A. December 17 – Delta Stewardship Council meeting.
B. January 24 – Delta Protection Commission meeting.
C. January 28 – Delta Stewardship Council meeting.
D. February 3 – North Delta Water Agency Board Meeting, 9:30 am
10. Public Comment
11. Adjournment
December 2, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda