October 5, 2022
NDWA Regular Board Meeting Agenda
NDWA Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, October 5,2022
9:30 a.m.
Hybrid Meeting in Person/ teleconference
3050 Beacon Blvd., Ste 203, West Sacramento, CA
Consistent with AB 361, this meeting will be conducted by teleconference. The public may attend the meeting remotely and offer public comments by Zoom or by telephone, using the call-in information provided below. The Board may utilize different call-in information for any Closed Session items. The call-in information for the Board and members of the public for this board meeting is as follows:
Web Meeting:
Meeting ID: 851 3074 5092
Passcode: 745174
Dial in Only:
833 548 0276 US Toll-free
833 548 0282 US Toll-free
877 853 5257 US Toll-free
888 475 4499 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 851 3074 5092
Passcode: 745174
Any member of the public on the telephone may speak during the Public Comment Period, Agenda Item #13, or may email public comments to and all comments will be read aloud during the meeting. During this period of modified Brown Act compliance, NDWA will use its best efforts to swiftly resolve requests for reasonable modifications or accommodations for individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and will resolve any doubt whatsoever in favor of accessibility.
*** Note: Action may be taken on any item listed on this agenda ***
1. Call to Order
Steve Mello, Chairman
2. Closed Session
A. Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (Pursuant to Gov. Code, Section 54956.9(d)(4).) Number of Cases (1).
3. Approval of Minutes
Steve Mello, Chairman
A. ACTION: Approve August 24, 2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes - FPPC Compliance
B. ACTION: Approve September 7, 2022 Board Meeting
C. ACTION: ApproveSeptember 9, 2022Special Board meeting Minutes - Voluntary Agreements
4. Approval of Resolution
Steve Mello, Chairman
A. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Extension of Remote Board Meetings.
5. Financial Report
Cindy Tiffany, Assistant Manager
A. Presentation of Financial Statements
Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf
6. Engineer Report
Anne Williams, MBK Engineers
A. Water Quality and Hydrologic Conditions
B. Contract Exceedances - Salinity Criteria Exceeded at Three Mile Slough Monitoring Satation.
7. Drought Activities
Kevin O’Brien, Downey Brand
A. Drought Barriers - Update on DWR Planning and Outreach Activites.
B. Special Claims Process - Update on DWR Implementation.
8. Legal Report
Kevin O’Brien, Downey Brand
A. ACTION: Resolution – Adopt Resolution Approving Policy on Revenue Reserve Amount.
B. Delta Conveyance Project - Preparation of Comments on Draft EIR.
C. Delta Diversion Complaint - Preparation of Comments on Delta Watermaster Resolution of Friant Water Authority Complaint.
Resolution of Complaint Alleging Unautorized Diversion in the Legal Delta (220927) (v.2).pdf
D. Water Right Decision - Court of Appeal Ruling on Pre-1914 Curtailment Authority of the State Water Resources Control Board.
9. Manager Report
Melinda Terry, Manager
A. Report on meetings, presentations, and correspondence – Update on ad-hoc committees, public comment letters, and speaking engagements.
B. Engineering Assistance - Funding for River Delta Consulting to Assist with Delta Adapts Participation Authorized by Manager.
10. Legislative Report
Melinda Terry Manager
A. AB 2449 (Rubio) - Brown Act Bill Revising Remote Participation Signed into by Law.
B. AB 2647 (Levine) - Brown Act Bill Clarifying Document Distribution Signed into Law.
C. SB 1100 (Cortese) - Brown Act Bill Addressing Disorderly Conduct Pending Signature.
D. SCR 119 (Dodd) - Declares Annual Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta Week.
AB 2449 Reeb Memo Brown Act legislation 2022.pdf
11. Delta Activities Report
Melinda Terry, Manager
A. SWRCB/Delta Watermaster – Update on curtailments, Bay-Delta Plan, water use reporting, Denial of Reconsideration (Bay-Delta Plan Update), and other activities.
B. Delta Conservancy - Update on Delta Drought Response Program and other activities.
C. Delta Protection Commission (DPC) - Updates on National Heritage Area, DPAC, and other activities.
D. Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) – Delta Levee Investment Strategy Rulemaking.
E. Delta Habitat Projects - Lower Yolo Ranch Tidal Habitat Restoration Projection: Coalition Opposes State Funding
F. Delta Conveyance Project - Draft EIR Comment Deadline extended to December 16, 2022
12. Announcements
A. Oct. 27/28 - DSC Meeting 9:00 am
B. Nov. 17 - DPC Board meeting, Location TBD, 5pm
C. Dec. 7 - NDWA Board Meeting, 3050 Beacon Blvd, Ste. 203, West Sacramento, 9:30 am
13. Public Comment
14. Adjournment