April 5, 2023
NDWA Board Meeting Agenda
NDWA Special Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
9:30 a.m.
Meeting held in-person at
3050 Beacon Blvd., West Sacramento, CA – Suite #203
Notice of Teleconference Location: One or more Directors will participate in this meeting via teleconference at the following location:
14151 Market St. Walnut Grove, CA 95690
This location is accessible to the public and the public will be given an opportunity to address the Board during all open session items at this location.
The public and staff may attend the meeting remotely and offer public comments by Zoom or by telephone, using the call-in information provided below.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 816 6427 2127
Passcode: 914071
Dial In Only:
833 548 0282 US Toll-free
877 853 5257 US Toll-free
888 475 4499 US Toll-free
833 548 0276 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 816 6427 2127
Passcode: 914071
*** Note: Action may be taken on any item listed on this agenda ***
1. Call to Order
Steve Mello, Chair
2. Closed Session
Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (one potential case).
3. Closed Session Report
Steve Mello, Chairman
A. Reconvene Open Session and provide summary of any action taken by the Board on items discussed with legal counsel in Closed Session.
4. Approval of Minutes
Steve Mello, Chairman
A. ACTION: Approve February 1, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes.
B. ACTION: Approve March 6, 2023, Special Board Meeting Minutes.
5. Financial Report
Cindy Tiffany, Assistant Manager
A. Present Financial Statements.
Exhibit D.pdf
B. Delinquent Assessments Report.
2022-23 Delinquent Assessments(Direct Bills)03.29.23.pdf
6. Engineer Report
Anne Williams, Engineer
A. Water Quality and Hydrology Update.
7. Legal Report
Kevin O’Brien, Downey Brand
A. Legal Hearing - NDWA Request for WaterFix CEQA Fees Scheduled for April 28, 2023.
B. Governor’s Executive Order – Drought Emergency.
8. Manager Report
Melinda Terry, Manager
A. Report on correspondence, meetings, and presentations – Comment letters submitted on Draft EIS for Delta Conveyance Project and Scientific Basis Report Supplement in Support of Voluntary Agreements for the Bay-Delta Plan Update, and Meeting with DWR on Exceedance of 1981 Contract Salinity Criteria in 2022.
NDWA Comments to Scientific Basis Report Supplement 02.08.23.pdf
NDWA comment on DEIS for DCP.pdf
B. ACTION: Consider Approving Resolution Regarding Delta Conveyance Project.
C. Succession Planning
9. Delta Activities Report
Melinda Terry, Manager
A. SWRCB/Delta Watermaster – Updates: New Watermaster Announced, Workshop on Curtailment Methodology, Recission of TUCP, Water Measurement and Diversion Report Enforcement, and Other Ongoing Activities.
B. SWP/CVP – DWR Announced Oroville Reservoir Flood Releases (20,000 cfs) and SWP Contract Allocations Increased from 35% to 75%.
C. Delta Conveyance Project (DCP) Activities – Geotech drilling planned in mid-April.
D. Delta Habitat Activities.
E. Delta Conservancy Activities – Delta Drought Response Pilot Program.
F. Delta Protection Commission (DPC) Activities –Updates: National Heritage Area Management Plan, Delta Protection Advisory Committee, and other activities.
G. Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) Activities – Delta Independent Science Board (DISB) issued favorable review of Scientific Basis for Implementation of Voluntary Agreements.
10. Announcements
A. April 14 – DPC Leadership Program Reception, 5 pm, Bogle Winery, Clarksburg
B. April 27/28 - DSC remote meeting, 9:00 am, 715 P St., Sacramento
C. May 18 – Delta Protection Commission meeting, 5:00 pm, location TBD
D. June 7 - NDWA Board mtg, 9:30 am, 3050 Beacon Blvd., Ste. 203, W. Sacramento
11. Public Comment
12. Adjournment